Local Markets and Social Media: Why they don't always fit, and what you can do about it.
Much so-called social media expertise is based on simply knowing how Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, Pinterest and so on work in a technical sense. Consultants will cheerfully charge to help you get set up in a medium that's successful precisely because it's been designed to be easy to use in the first place!
Honestly - setting up a Twitter feed and a Facebook page is child's play.
But if you then just use your new channels to pump out a raw sales message, or plonk your pitch on the web and hope for the best, there's a good chance no one will ever see it. And why should they?
Far more important than knowing HOW social media operate is knowing WITH WHOM and WHERE to start and direct your campaign towards. You need a plan with reachable access points, measurable return and properly developed content.
Creating interest in your business requires old-fashioned PR skills of developing attractive and interesting content allied to an understanding of the true nature of new media - not just the ability to set up a page
Social media are new, but people are the same as they always were.
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